In the public hospitals of the Balearic Islands, there were 49 donors and 132 organs were transplanted in 2023

Feb 6, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Son Espases carried out sixty-eight kidney transplants and sixteen liver transplants

In 2023, the public hospitals of the Balearic Islands transplanted 132 organs thanks to the altruism of 49 donors and their families. These figures represent a rate of 41.17 donors per million inhabitants. By islands, in 2023 there were 43 organ donors in Mallorca, 3 donors in Ibiza and Formentera and 3 in Menorca.

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There were 49 donors and 132 organs were transplanted in 2023

In the balance of activity in 2023, the Autonomous Transplant Coordination of the Balearic Islands (CATIB) reports that 19 of the 49 donors (more than a third, 39%) donated asystole, a technique that allows organ donation in cardiorespiratory arrest and that was implemented in public hospitals in the Balearic Islands in 2016 to optimise organ donation. The remaining 30 were brain-death donors (61%).

It should be noted that of the total number of donors, 7 were foreign and 2 were paediatric donors. In terms of the number of organs generated from these donors, 91 were kidney, 18 liver, 10 lung, 7 hearts, 4 pancreas and 2 intestinal packages.

Sixty-eight kidney transplants were performed at the Hospital Universitario Son Espases. Five of these transplants were performed on living kidney donors, the highest number of living kidney donations since this programme was set up. Sixteen liver transplants were performed on patients from the Balearic Islands, the highest number of liver transplants since the start of this programme in 2021. Of the total number of transplants, 74 were performed on patients from Mallorca, 5 from Ibiza and 5 from Menorca.

On the other hand, 23 resident patients received a transplant outside the Balearic Islands: 7 kidney transplants in Catalonia, Madrid and the Canary Islands; 3 liver transplants in Catalonia; 7 heart transplants in Catalonia and Madrid; 4 lung transplants in Catalonia, and 2 pancreas transplants in Catalonia.

Regarding tissue donation, last year there were 96 cornea donors and 24 osteotendinous tissue donors.

The CATIB increased its resources at the beginning of the year with the incorporation of a nurse and an administrative assistant to boost the organ and tissue donation programme in the Balearic Islands. In addition, it is expected to move to the Son Llàtzer University Hospital, where it will have its own office for the first time.