Inca has celebrated Thursday the traditional Rueta. Thus, the little ones filled the afternoon in the main streets of the centre of Inca with colour and fun with their costumes.
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Rueta of Inca
The Rueta of Inca has had the participation of 2,305 children, dolls, parents and teachers from 13 different schools. The parade began in the Plaza de la Llibertat at 16.00 hours and ended in the Plaza Mallorca with a big party and presentation of diplomas.
Carnival celebrations continue on Saturday in the capital of Raiguer with the Rua. This year have signed up a total of 15 groups and 12 floats. As in recent years, the party will start at 18 h in the Gran Via de Colom Avenue and will make a tour through the streets of the centre to the Plaza Mallorca.
Finally, on Tuesday, February 13, the burial of the sardine will take place with the traditional parade with the GEAI band from Plaza Libertad to Plaza del Ganado, the dance of Cofre Antic and the solidarity sardine toast for the benefit of the Únic association, with the participation of the Sona Monda neighbourhood association.