Approved expenditure of a maximum amount of 7.217.375 € for social and healthcare facilities

Feb 11, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The expenditure derives from a multi-year transfer for 2026 and 2027.
\ It will allow investments or financing for 17 residences and day centers.

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A maximum amount of 7.217.375 € for social and healthcare facilities

The Consell de Govern has approved that the Consorcio de Recursos Sociosanitarios y Asistenciales, an entity dependent on the Conselleria de Familias y Asuntos Sociales, has an expense derived from a multi-year transfer for a maximum amount of 7.217.375,94 €.

This expenditure will allow the Consortium to finance investments in social and sanitary equipment and will be distributed as follows: 5,854,359.68 € for 2026 and 1,363,016.26 € for 2027.

The actions will consist of investments currently underway or to be tendered in the short term, as well as the financing foreseen for the following facilities:

- Palma Residence of Son Martorell.
- Residence of Palma 2 - Son Dureta
- Es Castell Residence
- Cala d'Or Day Center
- Porreres Day Center
- Calvià Day Care Center
- Residence of Quarter de Santiago de Maó
- Llucmajor Residence
- Sant Lluís Residence
- Son Xigala Day Care Center
- Residence of Andratx
- Residence of Sant Llorenç
- Residence of Bunyola
- Es Migjorn Gran Residence
- Sóller Day Care Center
- Alaior Day Center
- Maria de la Salut Day Center