Inca consolidates the cycle of historical memory and increases and diversifies its programming

Feb 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Under the title “Inca has memory”, the City Council of Inca promotes, once again, a program of events aimed at recovering and disseminating the historical memory of the city. This year the cycle, which has as its centerpiece the act of homage to the victims of the Civil War held on February 24 in the Cloister of Sant Domingo, increases and diversifies its activities and expands to other areas of the city, such as the Main Theater of Inca.

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Inca consolidates the cycle of historical memory

“Talking about the past, remembering recent history, makes us learn to avoid the mistakes we have suffered as a society. With this cycle we want to give voice to those who have not had it and make visible those who have been buried in oblivion,” says the councilor of Democratic Memory, Alice Weber.

Thus, the program of “Inca has memory” has this 2024 with two presentations of new publications related to historical research, on Monday 19 and 26 February, at 19 pm, in the Cloister of Sant Domingo de Inca. These are the studies “The origins of republicanism and the first workers’ movement in Mallorca (1849-1868)”, by Catalina Martorell Fullana (finalist of the IX Font i Roig Essay Award 2023); and “Culture and school practices in post-war Mallorca (1939-1949)”, by Gabriel Barceló i Bauzà.

In addition, as a novelty, this year the cycle arrives at the Teatro Principal of Inca, on the 22nd, where you can attend the performance of the play “Las trazas del silencio”, by Esther Lázaro, winner of the Pare Colom Theatre Award 2023, by Therkas Teatre. This play, which hybridizes memory theater and documentary theater, narrates a real investigation related to the flood of 1962 and one of its most silenced consequences: the trafficking of children.

On February 23, also at the Theater, the documentary “Los niños de la riada”, a TV3 production that follows the thread of Lázaro’s investigations, will be screened.

On February 24, the epicenter of the activity will be the Cloister of Sant Domingo, where the exhibition dedicated to Miquel Beltran, mayor of Inca (1933-36) and relevant figure of the historical and social heritage of the city, and the “Memorial del Olvido”, the institutional act that pays tribute to the victims of the civil war and Franco’s regime, will be inaugurated. Also from the Cloister will depart at 9 am the guided tour “Republic and Civil War”, led by Miquel Pieras.

The complete program of “Inca has memory” can be consulted here: