The president of the Consell de Mallorca qualifies the affirmations of the elected councilor of Vox as “unfortunate” and that they are not shared by the government team
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Galmés will ask for David Gil’s words to be withdrawn
The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, rejects the statements made by the elected councilor of the Vox Group, David Gil, in the plenary session of last February 8. Some statements that Galmés describes as “unfortunate” and that “the government team does not share at all”.
For this reason, and in compliance with the law of Democratic Memory, the president of the insular institution will urge in the plenary session of March 14 that the Vox councilor, David Gil, withdraw the words about the Civil War and Francoism and thus not be recorded in the minutes of the plenary session of last February 8. In this regard, Galmés apologizes to anyone who may have felt offended by the statements made by the Vox councilor, David Gil.