It is the sixth judicial building in the Balearic Islands to have these spaces, after the Provincial Court, the Courts of Palma, Maó and Inca.
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The Consell de Eivissa has set up three friendly rooms in the courts of Eivissa
The Women’s Office of the Consell Insular de Eivissa has enabled three friendly rooms in the Courts of Eivissa to humanize the attention and judicial processes to women victims of gender violence and bojes and bojes who are involved in any judicial process. The headquarters of the Eivissa Courts hosted the presentation of these spaces, attended by the councillor of the Department of Social Welfare, Family and Equality, Carolina Escandell, the island director of the State Administration in Eivissa, Raquel Guasch, the dean judge of Ibiza and Formentera, Sergio González, and the director of the Women’s Office, Tonyi Ferrer.
The presentation included a visit to one of the three rooms that have been set up: one on the ground floor, one on the third floor and a Gesell room, which has a one-way mirror-window that allows statements to be taken under specific conditions.
Specifically, these rooms have been fitted with sofas, nursing chairs, baby changing tables, play and craft areas for children and shelves with toys and stories. In total, the island institution’s investment in equipment amounted to 7,500 euros.
With these rooms, the Consell de Ibiza has already set up a total of three child-friendly rooms in different state offices on the island, after setting them up in 2021 in the Guardia Civil barracks in Can Cifre and in the Eivissa National Police station.
As for the judicial buildings in the Balearic Islands, until now only five had spaces adapted for children, the first of which were created in the Provincial Court of the Balearic Islands and later in the Courts of Avenida de Alemania in Palma, in the Courts of La Herrería in Palma, the Courts of Maó and the Courts of Inca.