The aim is to calculate the island’s carrying capacity based on the 412,000-bed places currently registered in the registry.
The Consell de Mallorca’s departments of Tourism and Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures held a working meeting this Tuesday at La Misericordia to initiate joint work to promote a modification of the Tourism Areas Intervention Plan (PIAT) that will enable Mallorca’s carrying capacity to be calculated using new statistical data and taking into account the singularity of each area or territory.
The meeting was attended by the heads of both departments, José Marcial Rodríguez Díaz and Fernando Rubio respectively, as well as the island’s Director of Tourism for Supply and Quality, Clara del Moral, and this modification will aim to establish the carrying capacity in tourist places that Mallorca can support, as well as the delimitation by zones and typologies, and always starting from the 412,000 that are currently registered in the official registry of the Consell de Mallorca.
It should be recalled that the Consell de Mallorca announced a fortnight ago the decision to reduce the ceiling of tourist places (defined and established in the PIAT of 2020) to those existing with rights and in the register of tourist activities currently on the island of Mallorca. In other words, it will go from the current 430,000 places to 412,000, which means an effective reduction of 4.2%, of which some 308,000 belong to the hotel sector and some 104,000 to holiday rentals.
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The departments of Tourism and Territory of the Consell de Mallorca
All this without losing sight of “the prospect of value growth, which will lead the island to maintain its competitiveness by maintaining the productivity of its offer”, as Rodriguez revealed after the meeting. “The first thing we need to know is what kind of places we have, how many are operating how many are real and how many are not,” he added.
In this sense, Rodríguez added that once this information is available, “we will have a real x-ray of our entire tourism offer with rigour and criteria”.
After the meeting, the councillor for Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, added that the Department of Territory “will make our technical services available to Tourism to draw up the PIAT, the instrument that will allow us to adopt bold measures”.