The call for applications is open until 6 June 2024 and can be submitted through Consell’s electronic office
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The Consell de Eivissa announces a call for applications for cultural grants
The Department of Culture, Education and Heritage of the Consell Insular de Eivissa announces the call for applications for the line of grants to support cultural activities through the publication of publications and cultural promotion, in the year 2024.
The purpose of this call is to contribute to the promotion and dissemination of the culture of the island of Ibiza in the fields of literature, theatre, art, dance, history, economics, ethnography, comics, thought, audiovisual creation, film, music and science, among others, and to support the cultural activities that have been organised for this purpose on the island of Ibiza or elsewhere, between 1 June 2022 and 30 April 2024.
On the other hand, this line of financial aid is endowed in the general budget of this corporation for the financial year 2024 with a maximum amount of 150,000 euros, divided into two modalities:
TYPE A) Aid for the publication of works that involve the encouragement and promotion of the culture of the island of Eivissa: 58,000 euros. The maximum amount of each of the grants awarded in this modality will be 7,500 euros.
TYPE B) Aid for the organisation of activities and actions that foster and promote the culture of the island of Eivissa: 92,000 euros. The maximum amount of each of the grants awarded in this modality will be 10,000 euros.
The deadline for submitting applications is 6 June 2024, including this date, and applications can be made through the procedure available at the Council’s electronic headquarters ( ), by accessing All procedures, Culture area: Application for aid to support cultural activities related to the publication of publications and cultural promotion, year 2024.