Twenty agri-food companies from the Balearic Islands will present their quality products at the event “A Taste of the Balearics”

May 26, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment, together with Tourism, Culture and Sport, are organising a promotional event on Wednesday 29 May in London.

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The Balearic Islands

Around twenty agri-food companies from different sectors such as wine, oil, cheese, salt, almonds and infusions from the Balearic Islands will be taking part in a top-level event in London on Wednesday 29 May. The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment and the Regional Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport will be taking part in “A Taste of the Balearics”, a promotional event that aims to put Balearic agri-food producers in direct contact with food and drink distributors in the UK, as well as promoting the islands’ quality foods to specialised audiences with the power to influence – gastronomic consultants, chefs, sommeliers, etc. – and to give a boost to the Balearic Islands’ food and drink industry. …and give the archipelago a boost as a quality tourist destination linked to wine and food tourism. “Our ultimate goal is to be able to build a solid and lasting commercial relationship with the United Kingdom thanks to the quality and authenticity of our products,” explains the Catalan Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment, Joan Simonet. For his part, the Minister of Tourism, Jaume Bauzà, recalls that “combining gastronomy and culture is one of the cornerstones of the transformation of tourism in our islands”.

“A Taste of the Balearics” will have a demonstration area for each of the participants, where they will be able to establish direct business contacts with UK food distributors specialising in quality products. Companies such as Camp Mallorquí, with almonds from the PGI Almedra de Mallorca and olives from the PGI Aceituna de Mallorca; Treurer, with oil from the DOP Aceite de Mallorca; Gusto Mundial Baleárides, which will show the qualities of Flor de Sal d’Es Trenc salt, and Subaida, which will explain the DOP Queso Mahón-Menorca cheese. The Binissalem PDO will be represented by the wineries José Luis Ferrer, Can Fumat and Vinyes i Vins Ca Sa Padrina, and the representatives of the Pla i Llevant PDO will be the wineries Pere Seda and Vins Miquel Gelabert.

Eight wineries belonging to the IGP Vino de la Tierra Mallorca will also be in London: Can Vidalet, Son Prim, Mesquida Mora, Castell Miquel, 7103 Petit Celler, Conde de Suyrot, Mortitx and Macià Batle. Can Rich, from Ibiza, will explain the wines of the IGP Vino de la Tierra Ibiza and the oil of the IGP Aceite de Ibiza. Mima Terra will be present at the event with its infusions.

The second part of the event, which is expected to be attended by authorities from the Spanish embassy in London and members of the Economic and Commercial Office (ICEX), will take the Terragust gastronomic experience to the London restaurant In Horto. Chef Biel Llull has planned a live cooking show with the following recipes: mini Mallorcan mini-cocca with onion confit, Mallorcan sobrasada, Menorcan cheese and jam; courgette carpaccio with tomato dressed with Mallorcan oil, Menorcan cheese, basil and toasted Mallorcan almonds; roast aubergine with pickles and roast pepper sauce, and panna cotta with strawberries and crumble.

The Directorate-General for Agri-food Quality and Local Produce, the driving force behind this event together with the Balearic Islands Tourism Strategy Agency (AETIB), would like to point out that this is the first time that a promotional event has been organised in which direct contact is sought with distributors in the destination country, aimed exclusively at producers from the Balearic Islands.

Programme of meetings

On the other hand, and taking advantage of his stay in London, the Regional Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment is scheduled to meet on Tuesday 28th with the commercial advisor of the Ministry of Trade and delegate of ICEX in London, Rafael Ortega, to establish collaborations for the promotion of Balearic agri-food products in the United Kingdom and to participate in the ‘Eat Spain Drink Spain’ programme. A meeting has also been confirmed for Wednesday 29th at the Spanish embassy with José Pascual Marco Martínez, Spain’s ambassador to the UK and Northern Ireland, and the embassy’s minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Alicia Villauriz. On the table, the current situation and the scope for improvement for the export of potatoes from Mallorca.