The Conseller de Territori, Mobilitat i Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, has explained that they are working intensively on the study of load and has reiterated that “courageous decisions will be taken”. The FEBT has asked for action to be taken against the traffic jams that hinder their activity.
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The Consell de Mallorca meets with the Federación Empresarial Balear de Transportes (FEBT)
The councillor for Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, met today with representatives of the Balearic Transport Business Federation (FEBT) to study measures agreed with the sector to tackle the saturation of Mallorca’s roads. Rubio was accompanied by the island directors of Mobility, Rafael Oliver, and Infrastructures, Rafel Gelabert. On behalf of the FEBT, Petra Mut, executive secretary, Antoni Rosselló, representative of discretional transport, Francisca Caldentey, representative of the regular passenger service, and Ezequiel Horrach, representative of the goods service, attended the meeting.
Fernando Rubio explained that the Department of Mobility and Infrastructures is working hard to draw up a study of traffic congestion, a document that has never before been carried out in Mallorca, to provide official and verified data on the causes of the island’s traffic jams. Rubio reiterated that the freight study will also propose solutions, both in terms of infrastructures and possible regulations or limitations, and that the Consell is “willing to take courageous measures” to improve the mobility of Mallorcans, as the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, has stated on several occasions.
The representatives of the Balearic Transport Business Federation have expressed their support for measures to combat road saturation, as it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to carry out their activities.
Today’s meeting is the first meeting that the Department of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures will hold with representatives of the sectors involved and civil society. The aim is to hear their opinions first-hand and reach a consensus on possible solutions to the saturation suffered by Mallorca.