The informative talks on responsible consumption and good use of medicines get underway

May 30, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

As part of the collaboration agreement between the Regional Ministry of Health and IMAS

The first meeting was held at the Avenida Argentina Home in Palma.

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Informative talks on responsible consumption and good use of medicines get underway

Within the framework of the collaboration agreement between the Regional Ministry of Health and the Majorcan Institute of Social Affairs, as part of the ‘Consumption for the Elderly’ programme, the Directorate General of Benefits, Pharmacy and Consumption of the Regional Ministry of Health has begun a new series of informative talks. The first one took place today at the Avenida Argentina Home in Palma.

Under the title ‘Consume responsibly: Purchase of products and services and medicines’, the head of the Medicines and Health Products Control Service, Aina Molina, and the head of the Education and Training Section of the Directorate General of Benefits, Pharmacy and Consumer Affairs, Gemma Melero, are informing the elderly about their rights as consumers, as well as the guidelines and recommendations for the rational use of medicines.

One of the main objectives is to protect the elderly from digital scams and to provide them with the necessary tools to surf the internet safely.

The director general of Benefits, Pharmacy and Consumer Affairs, Joan Simonet, stressed ‘the importance of this agreement and the usefulness of the initiative, aimed at a group that needs tools to make a more rational consumption, to know their rights and, therefore, to be able to demand them’.

‘In recent years, the digital divide among the elderly has been considerably reduced; however, not everyone has the same knowledge of the risks associated with these technologies, and it is important that the administrations provide channels of information to avoid threats and deceptions that endanger their safety,’ said the island’s director of Community Care and Promotion of Personal Autonomy, Catalina Maria Mascaró.

For an hour, users of the Avenida Argentina Home in Palma worked on how to avoid the most common frauds perpetrated by cybercriminals in an informative session that also dealt with the consequences of taking drugs without a doctor’s prescription.

These informative sessions are part of an agreement signed between the Regional Ministry of Health and the Mallorcan Institute of Social Affairs (IMAS). The conference will be repeated in the coming weeks at the Centres for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy that IMAS manages in Llucmajor, Petra, Puigpunyent, Felanitx and at the Reina Sofia Home in Palma.