The insular institution has included the entities of voluntary work as addressees of the subsidy.
The Consell de Mallorca earmarks 130,000 euros for projects related to citizen participation and volunteering. The insular institution will open on Friday, the term to apply for the aids and will remain open for 15 working days.
The Consell de Mallorca opens the term to apply for the aid destined to the citizen participation
The initiatives must promote participation in public debate and the deliberation of matters of collective interest. Unlike the previous call for applications, the island institution has included volunteer organisations in the call for applications in order to broaden its scope. Thus, the subsidy has three lines: 70,000 euros for town councils with a population of less than 60,000 inhabitants, 30,000 euros for non-profit associations that promote citizen participation projects, and 30,000 euros for volunteer organisations.
The grants are aimed at encouraging work between administrations and citizens, involving people and groups in improving the community and promoting channels for citizen participation in public policies. The Minister of the Presidency, Antoni Fuster, stresses the importance of promoting projects that strengthen the associative fabric and generate positive change with the collaboration of organisations, administrations and citizens.
In order to facilitate the whole management process, interested parties can request information on the telephone number (971 173 612) provided by the Youth and Participation Department.