The BOE publishes the call for aid endowed with 96 million euros for tourist destinations to deploy platformsIndustry and Tourism

Jun 10, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The deadline for projects is extended to June 2026. The single-province autonomous communities will be able to apply for aid of up to 6 million euros.

The Official State Gazette (BOE) has published today the modification of the order of bases that will regulate the granting of 96 million euros in aid by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, on a competitive basis, for local public entities to deploy intelligent platforms that help the digital transformation of tourism.

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The BOE publishes the call for aid endowed with 96 million euros for tourist destinations

The Secretary of State for Tourism, Rosana Sánchez, stressed that ‘this aid linked to the smart destination platform will help tourist destinations to carry out their own destination digitisation project, which involves not only managing flows and offering a better experience but also improving the management of the territory and the cities in which the tourist phenomenon that brings so much prosperity to our country takes place’.

The new features of the order include the possibility for single-province autonomous communities to apply for aid for the development of platforms and the extension of the deadline for the execution of projects until June 2026.

The deadline for submitting applications will be 15 days from the day following the publication date of the extract of the call for applications in the Official State Gazette.

The aim is for these digital platforms and solutions to enable all agents to interact with tourists digitally and intelligently and to improve the management of the destination, also addressing the need to improve the relationship between tourists and residents.

Local public entities that are full members of the Network of Smart Tourist Destinations or have submitted their membership applications will be eligible for this line of aid.

Of the 96 million euros in aid, 33 million euros will be allocated to regional councils, councils and island councils, 57 million euros to other local entities and 6 million euros to the single-province autonomous communities. The maximum budget per project will be 6 million euros.

This line of aid from the Ministry of Industry and Tourism is included in Component 14 of the Spanish government’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, specifically within the framework of the Digital Transformation Plan for Tourist Destinations project, which aims to implement actions to promote the digitisation of tourist destinations and tourism companies.