The escort service for the 2024/2025 school year has a budget of 549,966.76 euros.
The contract can be extended for a maximum of two additional school years.
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The contracting of transport escorts for subsidised special education centres
The Consell de Govern has today authorised the contracting of the accompaniment service for pupils with special educational needs in school transport for publicly funded special education centres.
The tender budget for the contract is 549,966.76 euros including 10% VAT and provides for the possible extension of two additional school years with a total budget of 1,799,891.21 euros and the modification of the contract by up to 20%, as stipulated in the Public Sector Contracts Act.
The Consell de Govern has authorised the contracting after giving the go-ahead on 5 April this year to the contracting of the school transport service for the 2024-2025, 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school years, which includes, for the first time, Baccalaureate students. The contract, which is currently out to tender, has a budget of 39,199,525.42 euros, including 10% VAT.