The teachers of the subsidised private education system who act as tutors will receive the same allowance as those of the public system

Sep 5, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Consell de Govern thus complies with the agreement reached at the Mesa de la Enseñanza Privada Concertada de la Comunidad Autónoma.

This supplement means 484.68 euros per year more for tutors and will be distributed in 14 payments.

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The teachers of the subsidised private education system who act as tutors will receive the same allowance as those of the public system

The Consell de Govern today, 30 August, has agreed to approve a supplement of 34.62 euros per month, spread over 14 payments, for all tutors of pre-school education, primary education, special education and UEECO classrooms, compulsory secondary education, baccalaureate and vocational training in state-subsidised education. In this way, these professionals will receive the same supplement paid in public education: 484.68 euros per year.

In this way, the Government is complying with the agreement reached at the Balearic Islands Private Subsidised Education Board signed on 18 July between the Ministry of Education and Universities and the employers’ organisations, the titular organisations and the trade union organisations.

This agreement, which was published in the BOIB no. 100 of 30 July 2024, establishes the conditions for financing the specific tutor allowance.

With this agreement of the Consell de Govern, authorisation is given to modify the modules of Annex 21 of Law 12/2023, of 29 December, on the general budgets of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands for the year 2024 to introduce this tutoring supplement.