The meetings of the working groups for the elaboration of the VI Strategic Plan for Equality between Women and Men 2024-2027 have begun

Sep 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

IBDONA has made a survey available to the public to draw up the Strategic Plan

This week the working group meetings took place at the Estudi General Lul-lià in Palma, one of the first phases in the drafting of the 6th Strategic Plan for Equality between Women and Men 2024-2027. This initiative, led by the Institut Balear de la Dona (IBDONA), with the collaboration of various ministries, island councils, local entities and social and economic agents, aims to advance towards a more egalitarian society free of male violence, deploying a cross-cutting strategy to promote gender equality.

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The meetings of the working groups for the elaboration of the VI Strategic Plan for Equality between Women and Men 2024-2027 have begun

The working groups have worked on the following axes: Equity in the workplace and co-responsibility; Approach to public policies from the intersectionality and gender perspective; Towards a society free of male violence; and Guarantee of rights in equality and equity in all spheres.

The strategic plan will be adapted to the current needs of Balearic society. For this reason, IBDONA has made a survey available to the public to carry out a diagnosis of society on the Islands.

More information on the 6th Strategic Plan: