Inca launches a new call for the Dijous Bo Awards

Jul 13, 2021 | Featured, Current affairs, Tradition

The period for submitting applications ends on 1 October.

Inca City Council has approved a new call for the Dijous Bo awards. These awards are intended to recognise those people, entities or institutions that have carried out an outstanding activity for the benefit of society, who have stood out significantly for their contribution to the progress of the city or who have contributed to the safeguarding of values related to freedom, equality, solidarity, progress and civility, or derived from an exemplary trajectory that has affected these fields.

“The Inca City Council is organising these awards to promote citizen participation and to encourage all those who have distinguished themselves in a relevant way and may be considered worthy of this distinction”, explains the councillor for culture, Alice Weber.

For his part, Mayor Virgilio Moreno emphasises that “these awards are an opportunity to recognise many inqueros and inqueras and to transmit very positive values to the citizens. We hope that this new call will again be very well attended.

The deadline for submitting applications is 1 October. As every year, nominations must be accompanied by a petition stating the reasons for the candidacy, the curriculum vitae of the candidate(s) and a minimum of 10 signatures supporting the candidacy.

The Citizenship and Social Rights Information Committee is responsible for deciding on the application proposals submitted under this call for applications. In addition, this year, in agreement with the nominations, it will be possible to invite experts on each issue to participate in the decision. Once the proposal to award the Dijous Bo prizes has been decided, it is submitted for consideration to the Inca City Council Plenary, which must approve it by a simple majority.

The terms and conditions of the Dijous Bo Awards 2021 can be consulted here: