Menorca and Vueling promote the island as a year-round destination for British journalists and influencers

Nov 14, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The direct route between Menorca and London that Vueling will maintain throughout the winter has been the protagonist of the last event of the Fundación Fomento del Turismo de Menorca (FFTM) at the World Travel Market in London. The FFTM and the company shared a lunch with around twenty British journalists and influencers to promote the island as an attractive destination to enjoy 365 days a year. The director of Tourism Promotion and European Funds of the Consell Insular de Menorca, Laura Ruiz, and the director of Network Strategy & Long Term Planning of Vueling, Jordi Pla, were the hosts of this meeting.

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In her speech, the island’s Director of Tourism Promotion stressed “the importance of companies like Vueling making a commitment to our island in autumn and winter and maintaining direct connections all year round on routes such as the Menorca-London route”. Laura Ruiz pointed out that Vueling’s commitment to Menorca contributes to making progress towards the depersonalisation and redistribution of visitor flows throughout the year to a destination that “can be experienced and experienced 365 days a year”. In this meeting with journalists and influencers, the island director recalled the different experiences that the island offers outside the high season in just a two-hour flight: practising sports related to nature, especially those linked to the Horse Trail; enjoying the island’s gastronomy; living Made in Menorca experiences, discovering local trades and products; delving into the ancient Talayotic culture or, simply, letting yourself be carried away by the calm rhythm of an island that in 2023 celebrates 30 years as a Biosphere Reserve.

For his part, Vueling’s representative, Jordi Pla, explained that the maintenance of the direct London-Gatwick route to Menorca in winter, which began last April, responds to the airline’s commitment to promoting the connectivity of the Balearic Islands and, in particular, “with an island that is a key market for our operations”. Vueling and Menorca share a firm commitment to sustainability and the environment, said Pla, recalling that the company has signed up to IAG’s Flight Path Net Zero programme and is part of the first group of airlines in the world that aims to achieve zero clean carbon emissions by 2050.

All those attending the lunch were informed of the attributes that have earned Menorca its mandate as European Region of Gastronomy 2022 by the IGCAT and received a batch of local produce as a gift. On behalf of Vueling, they received a double ticket to travel to Menorca between November and June, offering them the chance to discover the destination outside the high season. Among the participants at these events were professionals and bloggers in travel and food journalism, such as the award-winning founder of the website Inside The Travel Lab, and writers from The Times, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, National Geographic, BBC Travel, The Caterer, The Travel Magazine, the blogs love food and love exploring, and the publishing house Bradt Travel Guides, among others.