The renewal of the Trasmed agreement, which guarantees the transport of dangerous goods between the Balearic Islands and the mainland, is very positive.

Jan 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The agreement was announced at FITUR, where the Minister of Mobility and Housing, Josep Marí, and the Director General of Maritime and Air Transport, Xavier Ramis, held various meetings with company officials.

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The transport of dangerous goods

The supply of dangerous goods in the Balearic Islands is guaranteed for another year. This has been communicated by the company Trasmed to the Government during various meetings held at FITUR between the Minister of Mobility and Housing, Josep Marí, and the Director General of Maritime and Air Transport, Xavier Ramis, with the shipping company’s managers.

The Trasmed company has renewed its agreement with shippers and carriers to continue providing maritime transport services for dangerous goods between the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands through 2023.

“This is great news because it guarantees transport that is essential for the economy of our islands, such as the transport of dangerous goods,” explained Xavier Ramis, director general of Maritime and Air Transport.

The Govern welcomes the renewal of the agreement in an area in which the Directorate General for Maritime and Air Transport has been working for some time to prevent this essential service for the archipelago from being interrupted.

“We are delighted to have reissued this agreement with the trust of shippers and carriers and the support of the Government and, for another year, we will be in charge of this type of transport, with an exclusive ship prepared for this purpose, to the islands,” said Miguel Pardo, director of Institutional Relations of the Grimaldi Group.

Thus, the shipping company will maintain the transport of dangerous goods, such as gases for sanitary use, during 2023 by means of the Gubal Trader vessel, dedicated exclusively to the transport of these goods, which will continue to operate from 25 January, the date on which the current contract ended.

Transport between Barcelona, Palma, Ibiza and Mahón will be carried out twice a week, which guarantees the supply of flammable or potentially toxic goods.