Menorca to receive 1.7 million euros from European funds to improve waste management

Jan 30, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

É This is the total sum of the amounts granted to the different projects presented by the Waste and Energy Consortium to the 2022 call for grants to support the implementation of waste regulations and the promotion of the circular economy in the Balearic Islands, which was resolved on 13 January.

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In April, Order 5/2022, dated 29 March 2022, of the Regional Minister for the Environment and Territory was published, establishing the regulatory bases and approving the call for grants for the year 2022 to support the implementation of waste regulations and the promotion of the circular economy in the Balearic Islands, financed by the European Union-Next Generation EU.

The Waste and Energy Consortium of Menorca submitted projects, either directly or through the concessionaire of the Milà Waste Management Area, for all the strategic lines covered by the call. The result of the resolutions in the call, notified on 13th January, was announced today during the press conference held at the headquarters of the Consell Insular de Menorca, which was attended by the Councillor for the Environment and Territory of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Miquel Mir; the Councillor for European Funds, Miquel Company; and the Councillor for the Environment and Biosphere Reserve, Josep Juaneda.

Mir stressed that this call is “the most important injection of public money in terms of waste in the Balearic Islands and should be one of the bases for changing the management model and thus move towards a circular economy, fulfilling the objectives set out in the Balearic Waste Act”.

According to the final resolutions issued at the end of last year, once the allegations to the provisional resolutions had been resolved, Menorca will receive funding for all the different lines established according to the distribution below.

Line 1 was aimed at the implementation of new separate collections, especially bio waste, and the improvement of existing ones. It was decided to present two projects:
Project for the implementation of the separate collection of biowaste destined for composting in the municipalities of Ciutadella, Ferreries, Es Migjorn Gran, Es Mercadal, Alaior and Sant Lluís, for which a grant of 78,060.48 € has been allocated.
Project for the implementation of the separate collection of biowaste for composting in the municipalities of Maó and Es Castell, for which aid amounting to €483,648.47 has been allocated.

These amounts will be used mainly for the material resources for the collection of organic, domestic and commercial waste under the new contracts that are being implemented: door-to-door collection in the municipalities of Maó and Es Castell, and separate collection in the rest of the island’s municipalities.

Line 2 was intended for the construction of specific facilities for the treatment of separately collected biowaste. The Milà concessionaire applied for aid with the support of the Consortium and the following project:

Construction of an anaerobic digestion plant at Milà for the treatment of separately collected biowaste (MilàGas), for which aid amounting to €1,041,442.61 has been allocated.

The amount will be used to finance the start of the drafting of the executive project, its processing and an important part of the execution of this facility contemplated in the Waste Master Plan, which is to be included in the current concession of the Milà Waste Management Area.

Line 3 was aimed at the construction of new facilities for the preparation for reuse and recycling of other separately collected waste streams, and the following project was presented by the Consortium:

Preparation facility for the reuse of bulky waste from Menorca, to which a grant of €61,659.68 has been allocated.

This amount will be used for the drafting of the construction project for the new integral bulky waste treatment plant planned in Maó, as well as for the relevant administrative and environmental procedures, in order to make this infrastructure a reality, as foreseen in the Waste Master Plan in the medium term.

Line 4, focused on investments related to collection facilities (such as clean points), waste sorting and classification (packaging, paper, etc.), and improvement of existing mechanical-biological treatment plants, allowing for the presentation of yet another project:

Acquisition of mobile clean points for the island of Menorca, for which a grant of 117,260.31 € has been allocated.

The amount obtained will be used for one of the improvements envisaged in the new contract for the Punto Limpios network service, namely the implementation of mobile clean points to bring the collection service for various types of waste closer to the public, especially in towns and urbanisations far from the fixed clean points currently in existence.

According to Councillor Juaneda, who also holds the presidency of the Consortium, “this aid, which had already been included in the 2023 budget, will make it possible to reduce municipal contributions for the provision of some of the joint services, and at the same time make progress in improving waste management in Menorca”.

Subsidies for the financing of waste investments

The Waste and Energy Consortium of Menorca has also been the beneficiary of another grant from the Government in the field of waste, in this case for the financing of investments related to the prevention, reduction and management of waste in the Balearic Islands for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023. The amount of this aid, also resolved at the end of 2022, totals 147,103.60 €.

Of this, €81,841.04 will go towards the purchase of mobile clean points; €44,431.20 will go towards the collection and treatment of clothing and textiles; and the remaining €20,831.36 will be used for awareness, communication and information campaigns.