Expenditure authorised for individualised food subsidies for ESO and basic vocational training students.

Jan 31, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Post, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

1.4 million is foreseen for the 2022-2023 academic year for pupils aged 12 to 16 without a school canteen at their school.

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Basic vocational training students.

The daily meal or healthy snack will be financed for ESO or FPB levels in public schools.

The Consell de Govern has today approved the allocation of 1,400,000 euros for individualised food aid for students who, during the 2022-2023 academic year, are enrolled in a non-university public school of compulsory secondary education (ESO) or basic vocational training (FPB).

The aim of this programme is to compensate pupils who, despite being in the compulsory education stage (12 to 16 years old), do not have school canteens in their schools and therefore do not have the option of receiving canteen assistance. The investment approved today will make it possible, during the 2022-2023 school year, to access total or partial financing of the cost of the daily meal or healthy snack service of the school canteen service for pupils who, during the second and third term of the 2022-2023 school year, are studying compulsory secondary education (ESO) or basic vocational training (FPB) in non-university public schools dependent on the Regional Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.

At present, canteen subsidies are available to infant and primary school pupils in public and subsidised schools, but the fact that public schools do not have a canteen makes it difficult to access canteen subsidies for pupils attending these schools, even if they are within the compulsory schooling range, while subsidised schools can offer this service.

This aid contributes to increasing the highest amount ever allocated to canteen aid in the Balearic Islands, 8,261,715 euros, which covers all applications for aid, a total of 10,874. This means that the 2022-2023 school year has 682 more students than last year with the right to canteen aid. According to the total number of students, 4,649 are from subsidised schools and 6,255 from public schools. The aid reaches the public, subsidised and 0-3 centres.