As of today, Monday, EASDIB and COFPDE students can apply for their tuition reimbursement for the 2022-23 academic year.

Mar 20, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\305,000 euros have been earmarked for aid to fully or partially subsidise the cost of the first and second enrolments of EASDIB and COFPDE students.

\ This is one of the measures envisaged within the framework of the “Amb tu” social protection shield, created by the Government to compensate for inflation in the Balearic Islands.

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Tuition reimbursement for the 2022-23 academic year

\ The subsidy for each applicant who meets the requirements will consist of a maximum of 1,800 euros per student and course.

\ The deadline for submitting applications begins on 20 March and ends on 2 April 2023.

The Department of Education and Vocational Training will open next Monday, 20 March, the deadline for applying for grants to fully subsidise the cost of first enrolments and to reduce the cost of second enrolments by 50% for students who, during the 2022-2023 academic year, are studying higher artistic studies at the School of Art and Design of the Balearic Islands (EASDIB) or the official course of equivalent pedagogical and didactic training (COFPDE) of the University-Enterprise Foundation of the Balearic Islands.

A maximum of 305,266.00 euros is earmarked for this aid, which is part of the “Amb tu” social protection shield, created by the government to compensate for inflation in the Balearic Islands. In this sense, one of the measures promoted by this shield is the creation of a policy of grants and aid to help families in the Balearic Islands.

The call, published in the BOIB last week, is aimed at students who during the 2022-2023 academic year are studying higher artistic education at the EASDIB and students of the official course of pedagogical and didactic training equivalent to that required in Article 100 of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May on education, for technical vocational training teachers, taught at the FUEIB.

The grant for each applicant who meets the established requirements will consist of financial aid for the credits paid for first enrolment and a 50% reduction of the credits paid for second enrolments, of a maximum of 1,800 euros per student and course, after deducting the bonuses established in section C of point seven of the conditions of the call for applications. It should be noted that this aid is incompatible with grants for similar purposes that may be received from any administration. They are also incompatible with any type of aid or grant for similar purposes from public or private entities.

General requirements and exclusions

In order to obtain the aid, the following general requirements must be met:

a) Be Spanish nationals or nationals of a Member State of the European Union. Non-EU foreigners must prove that they are residents.

b) Be enrolled during the academic year 2022-2023 in one of the following studies:

  • Undergraduate studies at the EASDIB. You must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credits. Exceptionally, students enrolled for fewer credits who have passed 230 credits or those who have completed their studies and have pending their final degree project or internship may also apply for the grant.
  • Official pedagogical and didactic training course equivalent (COFPDE) to that required in article 100 of Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on education, for technical vocational training teachers, given at the FUEIB.

c) Apply for the enrolment grant for the first degree or qualifying master’s degree that they are taking, provided that they are not in a position to obtain a degree at the same level or at a higher level than that of the studies for which they are applying for the grant.

d) Fulfil the financial requirements established in point seven.

On the other hand, the following are excluded from this call:

a) Mobility students from other Spanish or European institutions.

b) Extraordinary enrolment students.

c) Students with credits from third or successive enrolments.

d) Students studying their own studies within the field of higher artistic education.

e) Students on master’s degrees other than the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training, which qualifies them to teach.

f) Doctoral students.

Deadline for the submission of applications

The deadline for submitting applications begins on 20 March and ends on 2 April 2023. Applications for grants must be submitted online at the Electronic Headquarters of the Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands. In the event that the application cannot be accessed telematically, it can be submitted in person at the registry of the Regional Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, or at any of the offices specified in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the common administrative procedure for public administrations.

All the information on this procedure can be consulted on the website of the Directorate General for Vocational Training and Higher Artistic Education.