The IDI’s consultancy cheque grants will make it possible to boost the sustainability, digitalisation and internationalisation of more than one hundred industrial companies in the Balearic Islands.

Mar 20, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Vice-president Yllanes presented the new call for applications during a visit to Perforaciones Roig in Sa Pobla.

The IDI’s consultancy cheque grants

The IDI’s consultancy cheque grants

The Institute for Business Innovation of the Balearic Islands (IDI) will invest 288,000 euros in the transformation of more than a hundred Balearic industries through a line of aid aimed at the digitisation, internationalisation and sustainability of companies. The grants, which are in the form of consultancy cheques, can be applied for from 23 March to 24 April. This morning, the vice-president and councillor for Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory, Juan Pedro Yllanes, presented the grants to the industry during a visit to Perforaciones Roig, a company that has already participated in previous IDI calls for applications. The general director of Industrial Policy, Antoni Morro; the managing director of the IDI, Mariona Luis; Juan Carlos Rodríguez of Perforaciones Roig, and Bernat Català, digitalisation consultant, accompanied the vice-president.

Vice-president Yllanes stated that “there is a set of factors that we believe will differentiate the company of the future, such as digitalisation, internationalisation and sustainability, and that is why we are once again launching this call for applications that respond to the challenges that the industry will face in the coming years”.

The IDI’s consultancy cheques offer companies the opportunity to draw up digital transformation plans, external promotion plans and carbon footprint reports. These grants allow companies to plan and map out a roadmap before taking the step of going digital, selling abroad or becoming more sustainable.

The IDI’s support foresees three lines:

“Idigital” for the development of digital transformation plans: companies will receive between 60 and 40 hours of consultancy to draw up a digitalisation plan or monitor it.
“Iexporta”: beneficiaries will receive 48 hours of specialised consultancy on internationalisation and support in the definition and implementation of the foreign promotion plan.
“Isostenibilitat”: companies will receive 16 hours of consultancy to identify and calculate greenhouse gas emissions and prepare carbon footprint reports.
Companies applying for the aid will receive the assistance of a specialised consultant who will guide them through the process and draw up a personalised plan for each beneficiary. The application process for the cheques will be carried out through the CAIB’s Electronic Headquarters and the IDI website. Companies can access one or all three lines. Simply, an application has to be made for each consultancy cheque.

Vice-president Yllanes emphasised that “the cheques are complemented by other lines of aid or programmes from both the IDI and the Regional Ministry to achieve the objective of having an industry prepared for the future”. Thus, the carbon footprint reports will allow industries to gain access to Local Sustainable Industry, a guarantee mark created by the IDI to identify and make visible the industrial companies of the Balearic Islands that are committed to the environment. In the case of the digitalisation consultancy cheques, they are complemented by aid from the Directorate General for Industrial Policy, as companies can apply to the call for modernisation of the production and digital structure to finance the implementation of the actions set out in the digitalisation plan proposed by the consultancy.

The Director General of Industrial Policy, Antoni Morro, has “asserted that geothermal energy is a system that can take advantage of the constant temperature we have from the sun to provide air conditioning for buildings and homes. It is a renewable system, which we consider fundamental for the energy transition that we have to face and we have designed a PREE 5000 call to replace all these conventional fossil systems with renewable systems. This is the way forward.

During these five years, a total of 276 companies have benefited from the consultancy cheques. As for last year’s call for applications, 116 companies applied, of which 53 % carried out a sustainability plan, 43 % digitalisation, and 4 % internationalisation. By islands, 75% of the companies were from Mallorca, 16% from Eivissa and 9% from Menorca.

Perforaciones Roig is one of the companies that took part in last year’s cheques, specifically in the “IDigital” programme. It is a drilling and boring company that in recent years has specialised in drilling for the use of geothermal energy, a renewable energy source with high energy efficiency in air conditioning and DHW, among other uses.

The consultancy OnSom designed a digital transformation plan for Perforaciones Roig that addressed the company’s strategy and business model, processes, infrastructure, people, products and services. The aim of the plan was to generate a portfolio of opportunities and proposals for action, all aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. Among the actions proposed and being carried out, the creation of a new website and the design of a social media strategy stand out. In addition, they have also acquired geothermal machinery that is safer in the workplace and with a high level of efficiency. Finally, it should be noted that they have built new bio-passive offices where they will also introduce a co-working model to open the door to the creation of synergies with other companies.

The call for cheques is part of the Balearic Islands Industry Plan, specifically in the line of action for technological acceleration, modernisation and innovation. This Strategic Industrial Plan 2018-2025 is a fundamental instrument for achieving the objectives of diversification and improvement of the production model, which guide the policies of the Vice-Presidency and Regional Ministry of Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory.