The Menut forest nursery celebrates 90 years with over 13 million native plants produced

Mar 20, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Around forty people took part in the open day held today at the nursery.

The councillor for the Environment and Territory, Miquel Mir, and the manager of IBANAT, Joan Ramon, visited the Menut forest nursery this morning, where an open day was held on the occasion of Forestry Week, which this year commemorates the 90th anniversary of these facilities.

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The Menut forest nursery

During the day, around forty people took part in the activities organised to raise awareness of the history and function of the forest nursery, such as seed ball workshops, a forestry gymkhana and visits to the seed bank, the xylotheque, the nursery and the forest house.

The councillor thanked the staff working in the nursery for “the constant effort of all these people in the conservation of our forests with the production of plants to meet the needs of protected natural areas. And even more so now, after a storm that has caused a great deal of damage, which will require a greater effort on the part of the centre’s workers to reverse its effects. We must bear in mind that during these 90 years the nursery has produced 13.5 million native plants, which have been used to reforest degraded areas such as Andratx, Morna and Sa Duaia, among others”.

Ramon also emphasised the conservation of seeds in the bank, 23 million seeds of 270 different species, which are used for conservation plans for endangered species. He also highlighted the training and awareness-raising work aimed at specialists and students, as well as the research that is carried out, “which allows us to broaden our knowledge of the behaviour of our species”.

Every year, the Menut nursery produces an average of between 150,000 and 200,000 plants of 150 different species, be they forest, shrub, dune or cliff species. These plants are used to cover the production of protected natural areas, to densify forest areas, in school gardens, in plant conservation projects, quarry restoration and for sale to private individuals.

The Menut forest nursery began operating in 1933, promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, with the aim of producing forest plants. Since then, the services and facilities have been extended until today, in addition to the nursery itself and the seed bank, it has a reception centre, a forestry documentation centre, a botanical garden, a xylotheque and a forest interpretation classroom.