The IEB organises a free training course on the presentation of artistic projects with the international experts Celina Lunsford and Nadine Barth.

Mar 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

On the 23rd and 24th of March the IEB is organising a free training course on the artistic project, aimed at visual artists and professional photographers. It also puts a special focus on the dossier, the artist’s book and the photobook as a support for the presentation of the project.

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Artistic projects

The workshop will be given by Celina Lunsford, artistic director of Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, and Nadine Barth, editor and art project manager at Barth Projects. It will also include the collaboration of the visual artist Mònica Fuster, who will present some of her artist books.

To register, send an email to, together with a brief biography and a PDF portfolio with a selection of the most recent and current projects.

The workshop is taught in English, so a basic knowledge of the language is required to follow the theoretical part of the workshop and to present the projects.

The training sessions coincide with this Saturday’s Art Palma Brunch, the inauguration of the art season by the Association of Gallery Owners of Palma, which will be attended by the experts taking part in the workshop. In this way, the Government is responding to the gallerists’ request to invite international figures to get to know the work of the island’s creators or those who form part of Art Palma’s proposals.

Furthermore, the training given at the workshops will help artists to present their projects for the IEB’s visual arts creation grants.