The marketing of quality wines grew by 12% compared to 2021 and reached the historic figure of 53,000 hectolitres sold

Mar 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The economic value of quality wines has reached 41.2 million euros, 13.3% more than the previous year.

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The marketing of quality wines

The Directorate General for Food Sovereignty Policies, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, has published this Monday the marketing data for quality branded wines from the Balearic Islands. In 2022, a total of 53,395 hectolitres of wine with the Balearic Islands quality label were sold, 11.8% more than in 2021, when 47,754 hectolitres were sold. These are the wines of the Binissalem Denomination of Origin (DO) and the Pla i Llevant Denomination of Origin (DO), and the Vi de la Terra Mallorca, Vi de la Terra Illa de Menorca, Vi de la Terra Eivissa, Vi de la Terra de Formentera, Vi de la Terra Serra de Tramuntana and Vi de la Terra Illes Balears.

According to the councillor, Mae de la Concha, “the wine industry is a sector with a great future, essential for the primary sector, and with a lot of prestige, as wine is increasingly in demand among the local population and visitors, as demonstrated by these sales figures, the highest in history”. With respect to the 2019 figures, from the beginning of the legislature, the marketing figure has increased by 7.6%, from 49,578 to 53,396 hectolitres sold. The commercialisation of DO wines has increased by 9.3% compared to 2021. DO Binissalem has increased by 12.1% compared to 2021, from 6,478 to 7,265 hectolitres sold, and DO Pla i Llevant wines have increased by 7.4%, from 9,610 to 10,317 hectolitres sold. In relation to other DOs that have already published data, the Rioja PDO closed 2022 with 1.2% less than in 2021, and Ribera del Duero increased sales by 0.3%.

As for Vi de la terra wines, they have increased by 13.1% compared to 2021. Vi de la terra de Mallorca has increased its sales by 17.6% and Vi de la tierra Illes Balears by 11.9%. On the other hand, sales of Vi de la terra de Eivissa fell by 16%, 23.9% for Vi de la terra Illa de Menorca, 33.7% for Vi de la terra Serra de Tramuntana and 18.9% for Vi de la terra de Formentera.

By type of wine, the sale of rosé wine has increased by 18.3%, thus responding to market demand, with white wine by 14% and black wine by 8%.

The Balearic Islands market increased by 13.4 per cent, from 37,258 to 42,235 hectolitres sold, the Spanish market increased by 34.5 per cent and grew by almost 500 hectolitres more, and the foreign market rose by 1.6 per cent. Among the countries with the highest demand for quality wine from the Balearic Islands are Germany, with 60%, up 3% in 2021, and Switzerland, with 18%, 2% more than the previous year.

The economic value of quality wine from the Balearic Islands is also the highest in history and stands at 41,283,924 euros, 13.3% more than in 2021 when 36,426,501 euros were invoiced.