The Government of the Balearic Islands renews its commitment to the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Institute of Catalan Studies)

Mar 22, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

A collaboration protocol has been signed to promote knowledge of the Catalan language and cultural heritage

The Government of the Balearic Islands and the Institut d’Estudis Catalans have signed a protocol to establish a framework of collaboration with the fundamental objective of promoting knowledge of the Catalan language and cultural heritage.

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Its commitment to the Institut d’Estudis Catalans

The Councillor for European Funds, University and Culture, Miquel Company, and the President of the IEC, Teresa Cabré, were responsible for signing the agreement. They were accompanied by the regional secretary for University, Research and Language Policy, Miquel Àngel Sureda; the director general of Language Policy, Beatriu Defior; the president of the Philological Section of the IEC, Nicolau Dols, and the IEC delegate in the Balearic Islands, Damià Pons.

The protocol, which will be in force for four years, will facilitate joint action for the deployment of activities and projects related to language policy and the study, research, promotion and dissemination of Catalan language and culture.

The two institutions have collaborated over the years on projects to support and promote the Catalan language and preserve the linguistic and cultural heritage, and it is the will of both parties to step up their collaboration in these areas.