Environment implements forest fire prevention measures on 111 hectares thanks to the Next Generation fund in the Balearic Islands

Mar 23, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Mir defends “active forest management” as the main measure to prevent the risk of forest fires

The councillor for the Environment and Territory, Miquel Mir, presented the project “Preventive actions in strategic management points for the defence against forest fires”, financed with €919,545.56 from the Next GenerationEU fund through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, this Wednesday at the Enzell canal in Es Mercadal.

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Environment implements forest fire prevention measures

Mir explained that “the project aims to establish and recover areas and linear prevention strips on 111.41 hectares in the Balearic Islands, which will generate horizontal and vertical discontinuity in the vegetation cover, through active forest management, which we always defend, to deal with forest fires”.

The work will focus on pruning and clearing to create areas of lower forest fuel density and limit the potential for fire in strategic management areas, as defined in the 4th General Plan for Defence against Forest Fires. These points are prioritised taking into account the risk of fire, the behaviour of fire in the area and the vulnerability of its natural, rural or urban values to be protected.

In addition to the 3.5-hectare area presented today, in Menorca, the project covers a total of 25.61 hectares spread over a further area in Es Mercadal (2.5 ha.), Alaior (1.95 ha.), Ciutadella (0.82 ha.), Ferreries (10.24 ha.) and Maó (6.6 ha.).

In Mallorca, a total of 55.69 hectares will be affected, divided between Alaró (5.35 ha.), Andratx (11.82 ha.), Artà (15.23 ha.), Bunyola (9.29 ha.), Escorca (13 ha.) and Puigpunyent (1 ha.).

In Eivissa, the areas are concentrated in Sant Antoni de Portmany (10 ha.), Sant Joan de Labrijta (16.54 ha.) and Santa Eulària des Riu (3.57 ha.), totalling 30.11 hectares in all.

The project began last January and will be completed at the end of June.