Inca strengthens the associative fabric of the city with the holding of the Municipal Council of Social Action

Mar 23, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The plenary hall of the Inca City Council today hosted the Municipal Council of Social Services, the highest consultative body of community participation for advice and consultation on social services in the city. In attendance was the Mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, the Councillor for Social Services, Maria Antònia Pons, the Councillor for Citizen Participation and Youth; other members of the government and various citizen associations and entities. These are the Red Cross, Amadip Esment, the Es Garrover Foundation, Proyecto Home Balears, the ASPAS Foundation, the Balearic Coordinator of People with Disabilities, San Juan de Dios, Diagrama Foundation and Aldaba Foundation.

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Inca strengthens the associative fabric of the city

During the event, the participants were introduced and the member entities presented the planning of the activities planned for 2023. In other words, all the events, acts and key dates are to be taken into account. Afterwards, information was provided on the new projects that are already underway and will be carried out.

“Inca is rich in associative fabric and associative offer for the population. That is why it is necessary to put these social entities in contact with each other, in order to provide optimised responses to those needs that must be covered”, declared the councillor for Social Services, Maria Antònia Pons.

The Regulations of the Municipal Council of Social Services of the City Council of Inca were approved in a plenary session on 31 January 2019. In this way, the council was established as a space to promote participation and collaboration between the different associations. Its configuration responds to the need to promote networking.

“We continue to create community by promoting citizen participation in the social sphere and between the different social entities. We continue to work to improve the day-to-day life of everyone, as we have always done by working alongside the associations and entities of our city”, concludes the mayor, Virgilio Moreno.

All the organisations that form part of the Consell Municipal de Acción Social de Inca can be found on the web