Shops become safe spaces for new speakers to practise Catalan in the Balearic Islands

Mar 23, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Government is promoting a pilot test to provide them with a real environment in which to speak Catalan

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New speakers to practise Catalan in the Balearic Islands

The Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics, the Directorate General of Language Policy of the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Island Directorate of Language Policy of the Consell de Mallorca and the Escola Municipal de Mallorquí de Manacor have launched a pilot scheme to enable students of Catalan to practise the language in shops in a real, safe environment.

A limited number of establishments interested in participating in the project have been gathered, with the aim of analysing the feasibility of extending it to more places at a later date. In this way, pupils have the opportunity to put into practice what they learn in the classroom, while businesses contribute to the normalisation of the Catalan language and also gain awareness of the importance of providing opportunities for new speakers to speak Catalan.

The initiative is aimed at more than 150 students of Catalan at levels A1, A2 and B1 from the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics and the Escola Municipal de Mallorquí de Manacor. It will be carried out in some forty local businesses in Palma, Manacor, Porto Cristo and Bunyola over the next two months.