President Armengol and Mayor Moreno lay the first stone of the new school in Inca.

Mar 24, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ It involves an investment of 6.4 million euros for a centre with 18 units and a capacity for 450 students.

\ The works will take 15 months to complete and the school is expected to be operational in the 2024/25 school year.

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The first stone of the new school in Inca.

The president of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, accompanied by the councillor for Education and Vocational Training, Martí March, and the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, has laid the first stone of the new nursery and primary school in Inca. The presentation was also attended by the director general of Planning, Organisation and Centres, Antoni Morante, the manager of IBISEC, Miquel Coll, and IBISEC’s architect, Guillem Quetglas, who is responsible for the project and who explained the main details.

Both APIMA and the management team of the new centre were invited to attend the official ceremony, as well as representatives of the municipality’s public schools.

The president said that “school is the only social lift because it guarantees equal opportunities for our children” and said she was “proud of the fact that in the last eight years, educational indicators have improved significantly” thanks to “making an investment in education a priority”. Francina Armengol said that with this new centre, “designed with energy efficiency in mind”, “guarantees for the present and the future are given to the 450 students who study there”, and explained that, after the efforts made over the last eight years in educational policies in the municipality, “one of the first things we will have to put into operation in the next term of office is the new secondary school in Inca”.

For his part, the councillor pointed out that “education is the basis for the future in order to respond to the challenges of the world we live in, and it has to be the tool to respond to them. This investment is a clear response to the needs we now have”. He also highlighted “the excellent collaboration between the city council and the regional ministry in tackling the difficulties that have had to be faced in this project. When there is harmony, things work”.

The construction work on the new CEIP in Inca was awarded 6,442,317 euros to the company Tecnología de la construcción y Obras Públicas S.A. (TECOPSA) and has a completion period of 15 months. Thus, the centre is expected to be operational in the 2024/25 school year.

These works are financed with REACT funds as part of the EU’s response to covid-19, with the specific objective of responding to the schooling needs of compulsory or universal education in the framework of the right to education.

This action is one of those envisaged in the 2016-2023 Education Infrastructure Plan, which aims to respond in an orderly and objective manner to the structural needs of schools in the Balearic Islands.

Of the current plan, a total of 12,310,986 euros have been invested in Inca since 2016, including the new CEIP of Inca. This includes improvements to CEIP Miquel Duran y Saurina, the extension of CEIP Ponent, the extension of CEIP Llevant, the extension of IES Berenguer de Anoia, improvements to CEPA Francesc de Borja Moll, the Inca Teachers’ Centre and the Inca EOEP (educational and psycho-pedagogical guidance teams), as well as various improvements to CIFP Pau Casesnoves.

In the Balearic Islands, since September 2015, more than 120 million euros have been invested in educational infrastructures, which means more than 2,000 actions in 95% of the educational centres in the Balearic Islands. Work is currently underway on the Infrastructure Plan 2023-2027.

A new primary school in Inca for more than 450 pupils

The project foresees the construction of a school with a capacity for 450 pupils, plus 7 places in the UECO classroom, which means the implementation of a total of 6 units of infant education and 12 units of primary education.

The new centre will have a total built area of 3,580 m2 with a compact block typology. It will be built under criteria of rationality, accessibility, sustainability and quality, according to the construction requirements of the Conselleria. At the same time, the projection of the centre will be a flexible modular system with the possibility of modifications, interior redistribution of spaces and future extensions.

The school consists of a block of classrooms on the ground floor and two upper floors. All the standard classrooms are located on the southeast façade. On the northwest façade, on the other hand, are the complementary classrooms, services and facilities. The dining room and gymnasium block is perpendicular to the classroom block and consists of a single floor, leaving a circulation space between the two, which forms one of the entrances and communicates with the primary porch facing east. The administration block is smaller and also consists of a single storey. On the southeast façade, there is a porch for the children’s playground.