The CEIP Es Puig in Lloseta is an ambassador for the Erasmus + programme for pupils and teachers from 5 European countries.

Mar 24, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ Throughout the week, the centre has developed an extensive programme to raise awareness of sustainability and respect for the environment in Mallorca.

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\ The Director General of Early Childhood, Innovation and Educational Community, Amanda Fernández, has visited the centre.

The Consul of Sweden, Nathalia Rigo, and the Consul of Germany, Wolfgang Engstler, have been present at this Erasmus week. The local authorities have been represented by Antonia Massanet and Tomeu Ripoll.

Clara Figuerola, coordinator of Erasmus + and Miquel Bujosa director of CEIP Es Puig have expressed the great experience for students, families and teachers to learn first-hand about other cultures.

\ Next April, students and teachers from the school will visit Ireland.

The CEIP Es Puig de Lloseta is an ambassador for the Erasmus + programme.

The director general of Early Childhood, Innovation and Educational Community, Amanda Fernández, joined the events organised by the CEIP Es Puig de Lloseta on the occasion of the Erasmus + Programme that the school is developing.

Throughout the week, a group of 30 students and 15 teachers from Germany, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Romania are taking part in various events to highlight the importance of the circular economy, sustainability and respect for the environment. These events also aim to transmit the values and good practices of sustainability to different municipalities in Mallorca.

The Erasmus+ exchange programme will continue next April when 7 students and 2 teachers from the school will spend time in Ireland.

Erasmus+ is the EU programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. For the period 2021-2027, the programme places special emphasis on social inclusion, ecological and digital transitions, and promoting the participation of young people in democratic life.

CEIP Es Puig de Lloseta is one of the schools in the Balearic Islands that has one of the European programmes, Erasmus+, underway.