Communication from the Government of the Balearic Islands regarding the partial strike called at the Foundation for Care for Dependency

Mar 25, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

1) The Government of the Balearic Islands considers the salary demands of the workers to be legitimate and, as it has always done, shows its full respect for the right to strike.

2) The General Committee of the Autonomous Instrumental Public Sector is responsible (within the framework of negotiation and consequent agreements with the trade unions) for setting the remuneration policy of all entities, companies and foundations. Therefore, any modification to the remuneration policy of the workers of the Foundation for Dependency Care of the Balearic Islands must be negotiated jointly with the General Committee of the Instrumental Public Sector.

3) The Foundation for Dependency Care of the Balearic Islands, as it has done until now and will continue to do, will pass on the agreements reached within this Board to its workers. In fact, we insist that the Foundation for Dependency Care of the Balearic Islands, in compliance with this agreement, is transferring this wage standardisation to its staff. As a result of this agreement, a total of 227 workers of the Foundation for Dependency Care will see their annual salary increase between 536.38 and 610.63 euros. Specifically,

Group A is 610.63 euros per year. 14 workers
Group B is 536,26 euros per year. 127 workers
Group C is 537.65 euros. 20 employees
Group D is 539.29 euros. 64 employees
Group E is 540,55 euros. 2 employees

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Foundation for Care for Dependency

The payment of this increase will be effective in April with retroactive effect from 1 January 2023.

To this increase must be added the increases agreed for all CAIB staff. Specifically, in 2022 the increase was 3.5% and in 2023 it was 2.5%.

4) The Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands has its own wage tables that are applicable to its staff and are agreed upon with the trade unions. Other administrations such as the councils, the State Government or the local councils have their own remuneration policies for their staff. These are different administrations.

5) We must insist that it is the General Table of the Autonomous Instrumental Public Sector where any issue related to the salaries of the staff of the companies, entities and foundations that belong to the Government must be raised and dealt with, within the totality and negotiation between the trade unions and the Directorate General of Public Function for the entire instrumental sector.