Es Trenc Natural Park, in the Balearic Islands, incorporates an information panel to improve access to car parks in the months of greatest human pressure

Mar 25, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The councillor for the Environment and Territory, Miquel Mir, and the director general of Natural Spaces and Biodiversity, Llorenç Mas, have visited the Es Trenc-Salobrar de Campos Natural Park, where the installation of a panel has been completed to provide information on the availability of parking spaces at the na Tirapèl car park. In this way, users who wish to access the Natural Park by private vehicle will be able to redirect themselves to the Sa Barralina car park, thus avoiding traffic jams in this protected natural area. The panel is located next to the roundabout on the Ma-6040 road in the direction of Colònia de Sant Jordi.

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Es Trenc Natural Park

Mir said he was “very satisfied with an action that will make a significant contribution to improving public use of this magnificent protected natural area, thus culminating a task that began with the start-up of the Sa Barralina car park, which helped to pacify traffic at the entrance to Ses Covetes”. All in all, the councillor invited the public “to visit the Natural Park by public transport, as far as possible”.

Afterwards, the councillor and the director general supervised the restoration work on 6,000 m2 of dune systems that are being carried out in the Natural Park with funds from the Sustainable Tourism Tax (ITS), where positive effects are already being seen. The project was launched in the last quarter of 2021 and aims to recover the space occupied by three of the six fixed kiosk bars that were demolished in 2017 by order of the Ministry of the Environment. “It is one of the most ambitious environmental restoration projects we have launched in the archipelago and can serve as an example for the future,” recalling that “the beach-dune system of Sa Ràpita and Es Trenc is one of the environments with the greatest ecological value and one of the most representative landscapes of the coast of Mallorca, but precisely because they are located near the coast they are subject to greater anthropic pressure and, therefore, are more susceptible to negative impacts”.

Mas, for his part, pointed out that, in addition to the tasks carried out by the staff of the Conselleria, eight days of environmental volunteering have been organised with the schools of Campos in coordination with the Es Palmer learning centre. “These activities consisted of planting species typical of the dune systems, removing waste from the sand (especially plastics and microplastics), and returning old accumulations of posidonia”, explained the director general, who added that “thanks to these days, the young people of the municipality have had the opportunity to get involved in the management and conservation of the natural area”.

Finally, Mir was able to greet the members of IBANAT’s first permanent brigade, made up of five people. “This brigade is essential for carrying out daily management tasks such as habitat recovery, waste removal, pest control, and maintenance of signs and closures. The councillor emphasised that “with these additions, we are demonstrating that the Natural Park can also be a good economic driving force and has the capacity to generate jobs”.