Ports de las Illes Balears resumes improvement works at the port of Banyalbufar

Mar 25, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The work is scheduled to be completed in June and will improve accessibility, safety and services at the port.

The Catalan Minister of Mobility and Housing, Josep Marí, today visited the works that Ports IB has begun at the port of Banyalbufar, one of the most emblematic facilities in the Serra de Tramuntana. He was accompanied on the visit by the mayor of Banyalbufar, Mateu Ferrà, the director general of Maritime and Air Transport, Xavier Ramis, and the manager of Ports IB, Juan Vicente Rosselló.

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Ports de las Illes Balears

The works currently underway are budgeted at 271,449 euros and aim to guarantee the maintenance and refurbishment of the port of Banyalbufar, improving accessibility and port services such as water, electricity and lighting, while maintaining the traditional character of the facilities and guaranteeing the safety of users and visitors.

For this reason, the buildings and installations in poor condition will be demolished; the boat platform, broken during storms, will be rebuilt; access to the dock and its stairs will be improved, with a 30-metre-long walkway project; maintenance work will be carried out, such as repairing existing huts and buildings, as well as rebuilding the breakwater’s snout; maintenance work on the dry dock ramp; a new low-voltage electricity line will be installed from the port’s meter; and a new surface drinking water connection will also be made. This is an integral action to improve the infrastructures which are currently in a state of deterioration.

The works are expected to be finished next June, with a total duration of three months.

This is not the first time that Ports IB has carried out work in the port of Banyalbufar. In 2019 it invested in the maintenance and conservation of the slope, to prevent landslides on the port facilities (€68,313). In the summer of 2021, emergency action was carried out due to the poor state of the facilities after the storm. A quarantine of pine trees was felled on the port slope after the passage of the stinger head to prevent them from falling on boats and users, and planks were replaced on the ramp (€68,152). The wooden handrail on the access stairs to the port was also repaired (€7,420).

All of this means that Ports IB’s investments in the port of Banyalbufar, between the works already carried out and those currently underway, exceed 415,000 € (415,335.10 €), VAT excluded.

Improvements in the management of moorings

Another procedure underway by Ports IB affects the availability of moorings in the Port of Banyalbufar.

In coordination with the Banyalbufar Town Council, Ports IB has initiated a procedure to warn and locate owners in order to remove boats that occupy berths irregularly, as they have not been granted a mooring. This involves the processing of the corresponding abandonment proceedings, which may result in the eviction of the boats and their scrapping.

With regard to the available moorings, there are currently 24 bases allocated and 14 are still pending allocation, which will only be defined once the works have been fully completed. The authorisations have also been changed from three to four years, which gives greater security to the owners. There are 39 people on the waiting list.