The Government’s Directorate General for Participation, Transparency and Volunteering is now looking into replicating the event on all the islands.
Up to fourteen organisations linked to the world of volunteering took part this Saturday in the first Illes Balears Volunteering Innolab, a meeting of organisations and volunteers with technical and IT staff whose aim is to explore innovative solutions to the challenges facing the sector.
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The first Illes Balears Volunteering Innolab
During the first part of the event, organised at ParcBit by the Vice-Presidency of the Government and the Department of Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory, through the Directorate General for Participation, Transparency and Volunteering with the collaboration of the Directorate General for Innovation and the Bit Foundation, participants were able to share the most urgent needs facing the world of volunteering in general and its entities in particular.
In the second part of the meeting, the participants were provided with a set of useful tools to improve the management of the organisations from both a technological and strategic point of view.
“We wanted to create a space of trust so that the volunteers of the Balearic Islands could present their needs and share them, and also serve as a workspace to facilitate coordination between volunteers and technicians, and I think we have more than achieved this”, celebrated the Director General of Participation, Transparency and Volunteering of the Government, Marina Crespí, who described the day as “a great success”.
“The aim of the Volunteering Innolab is to establish synergies between the innovative ecosystem and the volunteering ecosystem, optimising the use of collective intelligence and promoting collaboration in the development of innovative solutions, in this case for volunteering needs. In this way we can improve the way processes are carried out, increase efficiency and improve the quality of the services provided,” added Aitor Morrás, Director General for Innovation.
How to increase the loyalty of volunteer staff, improve the internal management of the organisations and reduce bureaucracy in relations with the Administration are some of the concerns expressed by the organisations, which also wanted to highlight the importance of meetings such as this one.
After the good reception of this first pilot experience held on the island of Mallorca, the government is considering replicating the meeting on all the islands. “We consider it to be a methodology that can be replicated on the other islands with guarantees,” Crespí said.
The event was led and energised by Tona Pozo, an expert in communication and the digital world, with extensive experience in organising events of this type.
Some of the participating entities were: Cáritas Diocesana de Mallorca; Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer; Plataforma del Voluntariado de las Islas Baleares (PLAVIB); Asociación Nacional del Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos e Hiperlaxitud (ANSEDH); ¡Súmate a Educaclown! ; Pollença Civil Protection; Doctors of the World; AFS Interculture; Dignity and Solidarity Association (ADIS); Office of Development Cooperation and Solidarity of the UIB; Associacio Volunteers Ibiza; Mallorca Intress, among others.