The Balearic Water Agency awards a 320,000-euro contract for improvements to the Llubí treatment plant

Mar 26, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The contract will allow for the installation of a new aeration system and the removal of sludge from the lagoons.

The Balearic Water Agency has awarded, for 319,865 euros (excluding VAT), the contract for works to replace the aeration system and remove sludge from the lagoons of the Llubí Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The execution period for the work is six months.

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The Balearic Water Agency

The lagoons at the Llubí WWTP are currently clogged with sludge and must therefore be removed so that the lagoons can perform their function as a soft or green wastewater treatment system. It is also necessary to replace the aeration system of the lagoons (diffusers, hoses, anchorages, counterweights, etc.), because of the difficulty of emptying them without removing them and because of their current state of deterioration due to the fact that they have outlived their useful life.

The sludge will be removed by means of a self-priming lorry or similar system; once removed, the sludge will be dewatered at the WWTP facilities with a portable centrifuge to be provided by the contractor. Once the objective of 20% dryness has been achieved, the sludge will be transferred to TIRME’s authorised plant.

The Agency’s latest sanitation and purification report (corresponding to 2021) indicates that the Llubí WWTP is, together with that of Vilafranca, the only one of the 56 it manages in Mallorca that does not meet the requirements set by the regulations in terms of the quality of urban wastewater purification. In this regard, it should be noted that once this action has been completed, it is expected that the facilities will be in a position to comply with the regulations. As for the Vilafranca plant, with the same objective, the removal of sludge has already been carried out with an investment of 155,459.59€.