Social Affairs and Patronato Obrero set up a programme to help street vendors find alternative employment.

Mar 27, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The first 56 vendors are already being trained, many of them particularly vulnerable, and it is expected that there will be 80 by the end of the month.

Councillor Fina Santiago met with technicians and users of the Te acompaño programme.

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Programme to help street vendors find alternative employment.

The programme is also co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF).

The Department of Social Affairs and Sports and the third sector entity Patronato Obrero has already started training to help street vendors with irregular administrative situations find another job. At the moment 56 people have already started their training and by the end of the month, it is expected to reach 80.

There are 7 itineraries (7 groups) where workshops and interventions are developed for a maximum of 15 people, approximately 15 hours per week. The project, called Te acompaño, is aimed at a particularly vulnerable group at risk of social exclusion and receives funding from Social Affairs and the European Social Fund.

The councillor Fina Santiago and the president of the Patronato Obrero Foundation, Catalina Serra, have met with the technicians and the users of the programme.

The training offered ranges from activating and encouraging their participation in community life; introducing them to the use of ICT; working on their language skills (especially that of the host society); introducing them to the administrative channels for regulating their situation; and networking with the different public entities and associations to guarantee their welfare and regularise their situation.

In short, the aim is to improve their social integration by enhancing their language skills, promoting social and personal communication skills and basic daily living skills.

The Te acompaño programme also offers them workshops on social, health and training services, as well as workshops on cultural and leisure services to help them learn about public resources and services and involve them in the day-to-day life of their new host country.

The Department of Social Affairs and Sports has funded this programme, which is also 60% subsidised by the European Social Fund ESF.