The circular economy subsidies promote a project for the use of wood from trees fallen due to adverse meteorological phenomena.

Mar 27, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The call for proposals totals 14 projects with a budget of 1.3 million euros.

The councillor for the Environment and Territory, Miquel Mir, and the director general of Waste and Environmental Education, Sebastià Sansó, visited the Galmés carpentry workshop in Vilafranca on Thursday, where a pilot project is being developed for the production of furniture using wood from trees that have fallen due to adverse weather events and the adaptation of estates in Mallorca, subsidised with 121,898.70 euros.

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Circular economy

This action has been promoted thanks to the call for subsidies to promote the social and circular economy, sustainably manage tourist waste and create workplaces that the Regional Ministry of the Environment and Territory has announced. In total, the 1.3 million euro call for proposals has subsidised 14 projects worth 1,027,140.37 euros.

Mir stressed the importance of promoting “projects such as the one launched by Amadip Esment, which, on the one hand, is committed to the reuse of wood as a pillar and, on the other, to a social economy that puts the groups served by the foundation at the centre of the project”.

Thus, the pilot project foresees the production of 400 pieces of furniture and aims to design strategies to transform forestry waste into furniture. Along these lines, Sansó stressed that “the call for these subsidies pursues the premise that all sectors can move towards a circular economy model to continue converting waste into resources”.

The call for subsidies includes five categories. In the first, product reuse, three projects have been subsidised, in the category of preparing for the reuse of waste. In the composting and other biological transformation processes category, two projects have been subsidised, while three projects have been subsidised in the waste recycling category. Finally, three actions are subsidised to develop R&D&I projects in the field of waste in the framework of the circular economy.