Employers and trade unions will help to promote the professional qualification of workers in the Balearic Islands

Mar 28, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\This is the aim of the agreement signed today with the representatives of the different entities.

\ÒThis is a pioneering agreement in Spain to increase the number of professional accreditations.

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Employers and trade unions

The Councillor for Education and Vocational Training, Martí March, accompanied by the Director General of Vocational Training and Higher Artistic Education, Antoni Baos, today signed a collaboration agreement with representatives of CAEB, PIMEM, UGT and CCOO to promote the professional qualifications of workers in the Islands.

The event was attended on behalf of the different entities: Carme Planas, president of CAEB, Jordi Mora, president of PIMEM, Lorenzo Navarro, secretary general of UGT and José Luís García, secretary general of CCOO. As well as the director of the Institute of Professional Qualifications of the Balearic Islands (IQPIB), Glòria Escudero.

The aim of this pioneering agreement in Spain is to establish a framework for collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and the employers’ associations CAEB and PIMEM, as well as the trade unions UGT and CCOO, to set up a joint system of dissemination, information and guidance for workers, both employed and unemployed, on the procedure for the assessment and accreditation of professional skills acquired through work experience and non-formal training.

Its objective is to comply with one of the fundamental principles of the vocational training subsystem for employment, the link with social dialogue as the most effective instrument to respond to the changes and requirements of the productive system. In this way, the participation of the most representative business and trade union organisations is understood as a natural framework for the development of initiatives and measures that lead to a higher qualification of workers.

This is the first time that a joint collaboration framework has been established between the parties in order to guarantee that the dissemination, information and guidance service is carried out with criteria of effectiveness and efficiency in the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands.

This agreement is valid for two years, 2023 and 2024. In total, a maximum of 752,000 euros will be allocated, financed by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and by the European Union -NEXTGENERATIONEU, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan mechanism. The aim is to reach some 37,000 workers over the two years of the agreement.