Mural tribute to women shoemakers in Inca

Mar 28, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ This is an initiative framed within the events of 8M and the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Statute of Autonomy.

The councillor of the Presidency, Public Function and Equality, Mercedes Garrido, inaugurated a mural in Inca this Monday in tribute to women shoemakers. This initiative is part of the 8M celebrations and the 40th anniversary of the Statute of Autonomy. The councillor was accompanied by several women who work or have worked in this sector in the municipality.

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Women shoemakers in Inca

Councillor Garrido claimed that “the women of this city have historically dedicated themselves both to the footwear industry and to caring for their families. They have contributed to making Inca a benchmark in the footwear industry, and this small tribute is the least we could do for them”.

The work, Mujeres zapateras. Un trabajo digno, by the artist Margalida Vinyes, recreates the scene of four women and a girl who are working sewing shoes in a totally everyday scene. The mural can be seen on Avenida del Tren in Inca. The author stressed that “the mural represents all the ages of women shoemakers, from early slavery to old age. Because we cannot take any step backwards in women’s labour rights”.

The event was also attended by the delegate for Equality, Health and the Footwear and Industry Museum, Antònia Maria Sabater; the director of IBDONA, Maria Duran and other representatives of the council.

Specifically, for this 8M, five activities have been chosen to represent the working women of these islands. In Mallorca, the women shoemakers, in Inca, and the pearl workers, in Manacor; in Ibiza, the chambermaids; in Formentera, the peasant women, and in Menorca, the women who make sandals, in Maó.