The Balearic Islands will train specialists in legal and forensic medicine thanks to an agreement between the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health.

Mar 28, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The Ministry of Justice, the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs and the Health Service of the Balearic Islands will sign a collaboration agreement.
\ The institutions will facilitate access to their resources and make them available to residents and tutors.

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The Balearic Islands will train specialists in legal and forensic medicine

The Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs and the Health Service of the Balearic Islands will sign a collaboration agreement with the Ministry of Justice to carry out specialised healthcare training in health sciences at the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (IMLCF) of the Balearic Islands after the Consell de Govern authorised it.

In view of the Ministry of Justice’s wish to accredit the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of the Balearic Islands as a teaching unit for legal and forensic medicine, and in view of the need to have the structure and resources necessary to carry out the rotation period in the teaching facilities of the Health Service of the Balearic Islands, it is proposed to process an agreement that aims to establish the terms of collaboration between the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, the Health Service and the Ministry of Justice for specialised health science training in the aforementioned Institute.

By virtue of this agreement, among other aspects, the Ministry of Justice will promote the accreditation of the units according to the general accreditation requirements established by the Directorate General for Professional Organisation of the Ministry of Health. Likewise, it will collaborate in the specialised health training of all specialities that may be of interest and will make available to the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands the units and teaching facilities dependent on the Ministry of Justice under the terms established in the training guides or itineraries of the corresponding speciality.

On the other hand, the Health Service must make it possible for residents in the speciality of Legal and Forensic Medicine to access the training, research and consultation resources available to the Health Service, in accordance with the guidelines established by the training programme drawn up by the national commission for the speciality. It must also ensure that the corresponding evaluations are properly supervised, carried out and sent to the Legal and Forensic Medicine Teaching Unit of the Balearic Islands.

The Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs will have to enable access for residents in the speciality of Legal and Forensic Medicine to the resources of the specialised health training programme of the Directorate General for Health Research, Training and Accreditation, including the activities of the transversal and complementary programme for residents. It must also enable tutors and other teaching staff in the speciality of Legal and Forensic Medicine to have access to the resources of the training programme for tutors in specialised health training of the same Directorate General.

The capacity of the Teaching Unit understood as the maximum number of residents that can be trained at the same time, will be determined in the final accreditation resolution issued by the Ministry of Health, according to the teaching, care and research characteristics of the Unit.