The prizes for the Create your story of a STEM woman with a Scratch competition in the Balearic Islands have been awarded.

Mar 29, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Maria Kosyuk, Veronica Kosyuk, and Josep Ripoll Bennàsar were the winners of this digital creation contest.

The Director General of University Policy and Research, Pep Lluís Pons, accompanied by the manager of the Bit Foundation, Toni Roig, presented the prizes to the winners of the competition organised on the occasion of 11F, International Day of Girls and Women in Science Create your story of a STEM woman with Scratch.

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Create your story of a STEM woman with a Scratch competition

The Directorate General for University Policy and Research, through the Bit Foundation, organised this activity aimed at young people aged between 12 and 21 to encourage vocations related to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) academic disciplines and make the role of women more visible.

The first and second prizes went to Maria Kosyuk and Veronica Kosyuk. Both are German, are 16 years old and study at IES Son Rullan. The third prize went to Josep Ripoll Bennàsar, 13 years old and a student at IES Sineu.

The project that won first prize was the animation created by Maria Kosyuk around the figure of Ada Lovelace, considered the first programmer for her role in the construction of Charles Babbage’s differential machine (the forerunner of the computer). The prize was a laptop computer.

The second prize, for Veronika Kosyuk, was for an animation about Mae Jemison, a doctor and NASA astronaut, and the first African-American woman to travel into space. Finally, the third prize went to the story created by Josep Ripoll; “El invento de Carla”, a story of his creation with a STEM woman as the main character. Both have been awarded a programmable robotics kit.

Through these activities, the Directorate General aims to contribute to breaking the gender gap that still exists in the science and technology sectors, and to promote technological vocations among girls and young women, since, as the director general explained, “creating references and disseminating figures and examples of women leaders in these fields is essential”.