Panada de cordero de Mallorca from the Santo Cristo de Palma oven wins the 1st lamb panada competition

Mar 30, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Majorcan lamb panada from the Santo Cristo de Palma oven has won the 1st Majorcan lamb panades competition, organised by the Directorate General for Food Sovereignty Policies of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. In second place was the panada de cordero de Mallorca from the Fornet de la Soca, in Palma, and third place was the panada de cordero de Mallorca from the Sant Rafel oven, in Búger. A total of 20 ovens and bakeries on the island took part in this first edition of the Mallorca lamb panada competition.

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Panada de cordero de Mallorca

The councillor for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Mae de la Concha, stressed that “the participation and the level of the competition was very high, with a common element, such as Mallorcan lamb, a top-quality product that we have on the island and which is so characteristic of Easter”. The aim of the competition is threefold: “to promote Mallorcan lamb, traditional Easter confectionery and to promote the island’s bakers and confectioners,” he said. “The best defence is a full larder”, concluded the councillor.

Each participant handed in six examples of a panada, at least 10 centimetres in diameter and traditionally made with 100% local produce and Mallorcan lamb, although other ingredients could be added.

The jury took into account the taste, the presentation, the quality of the dough, the quality of the filling and the raw materials used, all of which were of local origin. The three first prize winners received a voucher for the purchase of meats and flour from Mallorca, valued at 900, 300 and 200 euros, respectively. All of the participants received a diploma and a local agri-food product.

The Palma bakeries and pastry shops that took part in this competition are: the Fornet de la Soca, the Ca na Cati pastry shop, the Real pastry shop, the Ángel pastry shop, the Fornaris bakery, the Garau bakery and pastry shop, the Forn Fondo pastry shop, the Trías bakery and pastry shop, the Santo Cristo bakery, the Forn de la Gloria bakery and the Ca sa Camena and Dulcelíaco bread and pastry bakeries. Also taking part were the Forn des Pla de na Tesa, from Marratxí; the Can Amer oven, from Sant Llorenç and the Ramis bakery, from Manacor; the Gelabert oven and bakery from Llubí; the Can Pau oven, from Llucmajor; the Benet Barón oven and bakery from Porreres; the Pomar bakery from Campos, the Can Rafel oven from Búger, and the Can Cerdà oven, from Valldemossa.