IBDONA announces €300,000 in grants for projects to promote equality and prevent gender-based violence

Mar 31, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The grants can be applied for as of tomorrow and there are twenty calendar days to do so.

\Women’s associations and private and non-profit organisations can apply for these grants.

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The Balearic Women’s Institute has published today, through the Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands, the call for grants amounting to 300,000 € for projects to promote and support equal opportunities between women and men, and the prevention and eradication of gender violence during 2023. The competition is competitive and entities have twenty calendar days, starting tomorrow, to submit applications.

The call for applications foresees two main lines, the first of them, is endowed with €200,000, for activities to promote equality and the prevention of gender violence, with which 100% of the project is subsidised, up to a maximum of €10,000 per project.

Some of the objects that can be financed with this call are activities to support the associationism and participation of women in all areas, promote coeducation, favour the social and labour inclusion of the most disadvantaged groups and carry out campaigns for prevention, awareness and promotion of equality between women and men. Also included are actions to eradicate violence against women, to train professionals and volunteers in gender equality and the fight against violence and to carry out research projects, studies or technical work in these areas.

The second line of subsidy, of €100,000, will be for research projects, studies and technical work on equality and gender violence, with 100% of the project being subsidised, with a maximum of €20,000 per project.

These studies should preferably deal with factors that provoke or accentuate women’s vulnerability, sexual or economic violence, symbolic violence, entrepreneurship, the employability of victims of gender-based violence or the situation of women in the post-pandemic context. Studies, research projects and other technical work must be submitted by the deadline for justification, 31 January 2024 at the latest.

Women’s associations and private and non-profit organisations may apply for these grants.

The following non-profit legal entities are eligible to receive grants:

  1. In both modalities:

a) Associations and federations of non-profit associations, based in the Balearic Islands.

b) Private foundations whose sphere of action is wholly or partly the Balearic Islands, which have a joint management body or equality committee, constituted before 1 January 2023.

c) Trade unions and trade union federations based in the Balearic Islands that have an equality secretariat or a joint management body, constituted before 1 January 2023.

d) Professional associations in the Balearic Islands that have a joint management body or an equality committee, constituted before 1 January 2023.

  1. In modality A:

a) Religious entities based in the Balearic Islands that have developed, at least during the last three years, programmes for socio-occupational insertion, the fight against the exclusion of women or the prevention and awareness of gender-based violence against women.

b) Student associations and their federations, based in the Balearic Islands, which have an equality secretariat or a joint management body, constituted before 1 January 2023.