The Health Service incorporates 686 auxiliary nurses who have passed the competitive examination in the Balearic Islands.

Mar 31, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

With this incorporation, the Government is fulfilling its commitment to creating permanent jobs in the civil service.

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The Health Service incorporates 686 auxiliary nurses

The Health Service has incorporated a total of 686 auxiliary nurses who have passed the competitive examination after 2,948 participants registered and 1,542 passed the competitive examination phase.

The professionals who have passed the competitive examination for the category of auxiliary nurses took up their posts today at the following centres:

Son Espases University Hospital: 310

Hospital Comarcal de Inca: 53

Manacor Hospital: 84

Son Llàtzer University Hospital: 96

Primary Care of Mallorca: 40

Mateu Orfila Hospital: 45

Primary Care in Menorca: 4

Can Misses Hospital: 61

Formentera Hospital: 4

Ibiza and Formentera Primary Care: 2

With this incorporation, the Government fulfils its commitment to creating permanent jobs in the civil service. The Health Service has been committed to strengthening and promoting the call for selective processes derived from the different public employment offers since 2015.

With this process, the sub-directorate of Human Resources of the Health Service has completed the awarding of the public competition-opposition offers announced between 2015 and 2021. In total, 3,834 permanent positions have been awarded to professionals in 68 different categories, once all the processes that were underway have been completed. This is a change of direction in terms of human resources, with the clear objective of stabilising employment, reducing precariousness and recovering labour rights.