Grants for artistic creation and cultural research of the Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB) have been published.

Apr 2, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Department of European Funds, University and Culture, through the Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB), has published grants for artistic creation and research worth 640,000 euros.

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Grants for artistic creation and cultural research of the Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB)

As for the artistic creation grants, the call is endowed with 490,000 euros, divided into different lines of aid for the performing arts, music, literature, comics and illustration, visual arts and audiovisual sectors of the Balearic Islands, which, where appropriate, are divided into sub-lines and modalities as follows:

  • The line for the performing arts, 98,000 euros:

Sub-line for theatrical texts: 32,700 euros.

Choreographic creation sub-line: 32,650 euros.

Subline for the circus, street and new format creation: 32,650 euros.

  • The music line: 98,000 euros:

Sub-line of music for the audiovisual environment and contemporary creation: 29,750 euros.

Jazz sub-line: 24,250 euros.

Popular and urban music sub-line: 44,000 euros.

  • The line for literature, comics and illustration: 98,000 euros:

Sub-line for literary texts: 54,000 euros.

Sub-line for comics and illustration: 44,000 euros.

  • The line for the visual arts is 98,000 euros:

Sub-line for research and artistic creation projects in the visual arts, photography and video with the production of works: 90,000 euros.

Sub-line for research and artistic creation projects in the visual arts, photography and video without production of works: 8,000 euros.

  • Audiovisual line, 98,000 euros:

Sub-line for scripts for feature-length fiction or animation films, feature-length documentaries and series: 83,000 euros.

Sub-line for scripts for short fiction or animation films and short documentaries: 15,000 euros.

Each of these lines presents its criteria, taking into account the characteristics of each sector.

About the changes in the call for applications concerning last year, it should be noted that the minimum score of the project submitted to be eligible for funding has been raised from 40 to 50 points. The purpose of this modification is to reward excellence among the projects submitted to the call.

The deadline for submitting applications begins the day after the publication of the call in the Official Bulletin of the Balearic Islands and will be open until 15 June 2023.

Humanities and culture research

As for grants for research projects in the humanities and culture, the call for proposals is endowed with 150,000 euros. The aim is to encourage research in the field of humanities and culture, for the preparation and writing of research papers, cultural and cultural management projects related to artistic practices or historical and literary essays, among others. Grants are distributed in relation to the following scores of the works (this is the most important novelty of this call):

  • from 50 to 69.99 points: 5,000 euros
  • from 70 to 79.99 points: 6,000 euros
  • from 80 to 89.99 points: 8,000 euros
  • from 90 to 100 points: 10.000 euros.

The projects must be original and unpublished and must be written in Catalan or Spanish. They must also have a minimum length of 60,000 words.

The beneficiaries of these grants may be individuals over the age of 18 who carry out their professional activity in the aforementioned field, as well as groups of researchers, scholars or creators, constituted as a legal entity or community of goods registered under headings linked to research and professional activity in the field of culture and which have been established in the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands for at least two years or which can prove that 50 % of the employment contracts or services contracted have been carried out in the last year in the Balearic Islands or that they carry out more than 50 % of their activity there.

Each applicant may only submit one application for one project. If a beneficiary has already obtained a grant from the IEB from another call for grants to support research projects in the humanities and culture linked to the Balearic Islands, the application may not be submitted until two calls have passed.

The project, which will be evaluated by an assessment committee of prestigious professionals, can obtain a maximum of 80 points, while the trajectory can obtain a maximum of 20 points. However, to obtain the aid a minimum score of 50 points must be obtained for the evaluation of the project.

The IEB will make available to the public for consultation the works that receive the aid, with a prior formal application, both at the IEB’s headquarters and through its website, or through the platforms of scientific dissemination with which the entity may establish agreements for this purpose. Acceptance of the grant and submission of the project implies the authorisation of the beneficiary to carry out this dissemination.

The deadline for submitting applications begins the day after the publication of the call for applications in the Official Bulletin of the Balearic Islands and will be open until 15 June 2023.

The subsidised project must be completed before 15 October 2024.