Son Tries is home to the first climbing area on a public estate in the Balearic Islands.

Apr 2, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This area is an example of the compatibility of public use and conservation of the natural environment.

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Son Tries is home to the first climbing area

The Councillor for the Environment and Territory, Miquel Mir, and the Director General of Natural Spaces and Biodiversity, Llorenç Mas, visited the signposted climbing area in the Son Tries recreational area this Friday, the first to be set up on a public estate belonging to the Government of the Balearic Islands.

The work, which has been carried out in collaboration with the Federació Balear de Muntanyisme, consisted of installing an interpretative sign at the foot of the climbing wall that reminds of good environmental practices, and safety advice and describes the climbing routes in the area. It also provides access via a QR code to the online procedure for requesting the necessary authorisation to climb in the protected area. The Federation has been responsible for equipping the route in a safe and environmentally correct way and, therefore, for making it one of the first areas to be environmentally appropriate and with all the necessary safety measures.

The councillor stressed the importance of a project like this in the Serra de Tramuntana Natural Park, “as it is a testament to the work we have been doing throughout this legislature to guarantee the right of access to the natural environment. Along these lines, Mir explained that “having a public climbing area makes it possible to enjoy nature through sport while preserving the natural and cultural values of the protected area.

It is worth remembering that climbing is a regulated sport in the Natural Park and requires prior administrative authorisation and permission from the owners of the land where it is practised.

In addition to the signposting of the climbing area, the technical staff will also improve the signposting of itineraries, infrastructures and other areas of interest within the Serra de Tramuntana Natural Park. Specifically, the areas where leisure activities take place will be signposted to provide information, facilitate the necessary procedures and remind the public that they are in a protected natural area.