The COFIB will triple the number of nacre larvae search stations to contribute to the conservation of a critically endangered species.

Apr 2, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The sentinel network was created in 2017 along the Mediterranean, following the episode of mass mortality detected on all its coasts

The Balearic Islands Wildlife Recovery Consortium (COFIB) has awarded the new nacre (Pinna nobilis) recovery service for the placement, revision and processing of larval collector samples. The project has a budget of 24,958.68 € (excluding VAT).

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The current sentinel network in the Balearic Islands consists of a maximum of seven collection points and was launched in 2017, once the phenomenon of mass mortality that has left this species in critical danger of extinction became known. With this new contract, the number of points to be monitored will increase to 25, each with three collectors. Therefore, there will be a minimum of 75 collectors distributed as follows: 33 in Mallorca; 12 in Eivissa; 12 in Menorca; 9 in Formentera; and, finally, 9 in the Cabrera archipelago.

The collectors will be installed in May with the main objective of capturing live individuals of nacre in their larval phase; if they settle, they will be visible to the human eye in October, when the entire network is scheduled to be checked. The project is financed with funds from the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, and is coordinated and supervised by scientific staff from IMEDEA, which is responsible for the network in the Balearic Islands.

Currently, there is evidence of about ten living individuals, most of them hybrids of P. nobilis and P. rudis. However, new individuals continue to be detected sporadically, which is cause for hope for the survival of the species. For this reason, the Regional Ministry is calling on divers to be vigilant and to report any sighting that could be of Pinna nobilis.

The Species Protection Service of the Regional Ministry reminds divers that it has several channels of communication open to receive notifications of possible live nacre sightings. These are via WhatsApp  (606 875 244) or email ( It is also possible to notify through the platform observers of the sea.

Collaboration is essential for the preservation of this emblematic species, which is in a critical situation.