The environment in the Balearic Islands carries out actions to prevent forest fires on 38 hectares in Benirràs and Morna

Apr 3, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The work carried out is financed with Next GenerationEU and Sustainable Tourism Tax funds.

Since the beginning of the year, the Forest Management Service of the Conselleria de Medi Ambient i Territori has been carrying out various actions in Eivissa to prevent forest fires. Thus, thanks to two projects, action will be taken on 55.23 hectares of the island, 38 of which correspond to the areas affected by the major forest fires.

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The environment in the Balearic Islands

One of the projects carried out is the “Treatment of plant fuel in Strategic Management Points against the risk of fires”, financed with 108,000 euros from the Sustainable Tourism Tax, which has enabled work to be carried out on 20.23 hectares.

The other actions have been carried out through the project “Preventive actions in Strategic Management Points for the defence against forest fires”, financed through the Next GenerationEU Funds of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and which has a budget of 123,000 €. This budget has enabled work to be carried out on 35 hectares in Eivissa.

The density of the forest after ten years of the great forest fires of Benirràs and Morna has led to these actions. In order to favour the evolution of the forest, the Forest Management Service has carried out selective thinning tasks to free up the mass and leave more suitable tree densities so that these selected trees can grow, develop and reach the adult stage.

These tasks achieve two objectives: to reduce the risk of forest fires by eliminating the horizontal and vertical continuity of the fuel and to make the forests more resilient to the consequences of the climatic emergency, as it favours the formation of forests with larger and more vigorous trees to face the adversities of droughts.